Nátěrové hmoty

Vyvíjíme a dodáváme vysoce kvalitní epoxidové a alkydové pryskyřice pro oblast nátěrových hmot, jakými jsou práškové nátěrové hmoty, e-coat, ochranné a průmyslové nátěry či dekorativní nátěrové hmoty.

Naše pryskyřice nabízí vysokou kvalitu, dlouhou životnost, vynikající odolnost a specifické vlastnosti podle potřeb na dané aplikaci či zákazníka. Produkty jsou vyvíjena a vyráběny v souladu s vysokými požadavky na zdraví a bezpečnost lidí a ochranu životního prostředí (odkaz).

Mezi hlavní oblasti použití patří:

  • práškové nátěry (domácí spotřebiče a potřeby, sportovní a rekreační vybavení)
  • automotive nátěry (e-coat, nátěry karoserie, disků, motorových komponentů)
  • antikorozní ochranné a průmyslové nátěry
  • nátěry lodí a kontejnerů
  • nátěry plechových obalů a vinutých pásů
  • stavební nátěry a nátěry podlah
  • nátěry v leteckém a kosmickém průmyslu s
  • potřebitelské barvy a laky na dřevo a kov

Epoxidové pryskyřice modifikované

ProduktPopisAplikaceViskozita (Pa)Epoxidový indexEEWSnadno zmýd. chlorBarva (APHA)
CHS-EPOXY® 573BPA/F epoxy resinCoatings, penetrants, filled systems, casting applications and insulating materials8,0-10,55,3-5,6179-189max. 0,03max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 574BPA/F resin modified by difunctional reactive diluentComposites, civil and electrical engineering, high-solid coatings1,4-1,75,5-5,75174-182max. 0,1max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 575BPA/F resin modified by difunctional reactive diluentSolventless coatings, penetrants, filled systems, casting applications and insulating materials, high solid coatings0,7-0,95,6-5,9169-179max. 0,1max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 160 V 55Water dispersion of a medium molecular weight epoxy resinVarnish and binder of paints for wood, wood fibre boards, concrete, metals and other materials0,1-1,01,25-1,80555-800
CHS-EPOXY® 200 V 55Water dispersion of a low molecular weight epoxy resinVarnish and binder of paints for wood, wood fibre boards, concrete, metals and other materials0,1-0,71,88-2,22455-525
CHS-HYDROSPOL® ED 161One-component water dispersion of medium molecular weight epoxyesther resinAir-drying protective or decorative enamel and primer for steel or alloy surfaces at room or low elevated temperatures0,05-0,2----
CHS-EPOXY® 501BPA/F resin modified by monofunctional reactive diluentComposites, high solid, anticorrosion paints, civil engineering, casting0,6-0,85,0-5,3188-200max. 0,1max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 514BPA/F resin modified by monofunctional reactive diluentComposites, high solid, anticorrosion paints, civil engineering, casting0,8-1,15,1-5,4185-196max. 0,1max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 571BPA/F epoxy resinCoatings, penetrants, filled systems, casting applications and insulating materials6,0-8,05,4-5,7175-185max. 0,03max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 572BPA/F epoxy resinCoatings, penetrants, filled systems, casting applications and insulating materials4,5-7,05,5-5,8172-182max. 0,03max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 210 X 7575% solution in xyleneHigh performance two component coating materials such as anticorrosion primers.5,0-12,02,0-2,25445-500
CHS-EPOXY® 222 IX 6060% solution in solvent blend, flexibilizedAnticorrosive paint in marine and railway industry, gas industry, insulation of building, sewage pipes and reservoirs0,2-0,41,8-2,3430-555
CHS-EPOXY® 301 X 8080% xylene solution of BPA based semisolid epoxy resinHigh solid coatings, anticorrosion primers, baking lacquers, treatment of metal surfaces5,5-7,52,7-3,3300-370
CHS-EPOXY® 411 X 8080% xylene solution of BPA based semisolid epoxy resinHigh solid coatings, anticorrosion primers, baking lacquers0,6-0,83,9-4,2238-256max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 582Epoxy resin modified with bi-functional reactive diluentCasting, composites, polymer concretes and mortans0,64-0,725,8-6,1165-173max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 112 4F0,5Modified by 0, 5% of flow control agent 3Powder coatings0,5-1,0 //21,05-1,11900-950
CHS-EPOXY® 112 4F5Modified by 5% of flow control agent 3Powder coatings0,5-1,0 //20,90-1,10910-1110
CHS-EPOXY® 130 4F10Modified by 10% of flow control agent 3Powder coatings0,3-0,61,10-1,30770-910
CHS-EPOXY® 141 4F5Modified by 5% of flow control agent 3Powder coatings0,35-0,5 //21,30-1,45690-770
CHS-EPOXY® 160 4F2,5Modified by 2, 5% of flow control agent 3Powder coatings0,25-0,45 //21,50-1,70590-670
CHS-EPOXY® 101 X 60Fast air drying 60% solution of epoxy esterAir-drying coatings, in the mixture with melamine- formaldehyde resins for the formulation of baking coatings2,5-5,0--
CHS-EPOXY® 474Epoxy resin modified with mono-functional reactive diluentComposites, coatings, applications in civil engineering, casting compounds0,3-0,64,5-4,9204-223max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 521Epoxy resin modified with mono-functional reactive diluentComposites, potting, solventless coatings, civil engineering0,6-0,94,85-5,1196-206max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 531Epoxy resin modified with bi-functional reactive diluentComposites, solventless coatings and impregnations, construction (bonding agent for mortar, concrete and food industry compositions)1,5-2,35,5-5,7175-182max.100

Modifikované tekuté pryskyřice

ProduktPopisAplikaceViskozita (Pa)Epoxidový indexEEWBarva (APHA)
CHS-EPOXY® 582Epoxy resin modified with bi-functional reactive diluentCasting, composites, polymer concretes and mortans0,64-0,725,8-6,1165-173max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 474Epoxy resin modified with mono-functional reactive diluentComposites, coatings, applications in civil engineering, casting compounds0,3-0,64,5-4,9204-223max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 521Epoxy resin modified with mono-functional reactive diluentComposites, potting, solventless coatings, civil engineering0,6-0,94,85-5,1196-206max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 531Epoxy resin modified with bi-functional reactive diluentComposites, solventless coatings and impregnations, construction (bonding agent for mortar, concrete and food industry compositions)1,5-2,35,5-5,7175-182max.100

Modifikované pevné pryskyřice

ProduktPopisAplikaceViskozita (Pa)Epoxidový indexEEW
CHS-EPOXY® 112 4F0,5Modified by 0, 5% of flow control agent 3Powder coatings0,5-1,0 //21,05-1,11900-950
CHS-EPOXY® 112 4F5Modified by 5% of flow control agent 3Powder coatings0,5-1,0 //20,90-1,10910-1110
CHS-EPOXY® 130 4F10Modified by 10% of flow control agent 3Powder coatings0,3-0,61,10-1,30770-910
CHS-EPOXY® 141 4F5Modified by 5% of flow control agent 3Powder coatings0,35-0,5 //21,30-1,45690-770
CHS-EPOXY® 160 4F2,5Modified by 2, 5% of flow control agent 3Powder coatings0,25-0,45 //21,50-1,70590-670

Epoxidové pryskyřice roztokové

ProduktPopisAplikaceViskozita (Pa)Epoxidový indexEEWBarva (Gardner)
CHS-EPOXY® 210 X 7575% solution in xyleneHigh performance two component coating materials such as anticorrosion primers.5,0-12,02,0-2,25445-500max.1
CHS-EPOXY® 222 IX 6060% solution in solvent blend, flexibilizedAnticorrosive paint in marine and railway industry, gas industry, insulation of building, sewage pipes and reservoirs0,2-0,41,8-2,3430-555max.3
CHS-EPOXY® 301 X 8080% xylene solution of BPA based semisolid epoxy resinHigh solid coatings, anticorrosion primers, baking lacquers, treatment of metal surfaces5,5-7,52,7-3,3300-370max.1
CHS-EPOXY® 411 X 8080% xylene solution of BPA based semisolid epoxy resinHigh solid coatings, anticorrosion primers, baking lacquers0,6-0,83,9-4,2238-256
CHS-EPOXY® 101 X 60Fast air drying 60% solution of epoxy esterAir-drying coatings, in the mixture with melamine- formaldehyde resins for the formulation of baking coatings2,5-5,0--max.5

Epoxidové pryskyřice do vodouředitelných systémů

ProduktPopisAplikaceViskozita (Pa)Epoxidový indexEEW
CHS-EPOXY® 160 V 55Water dispersion of a medium molecular weight epoxy resinVarnish and binder of paints for wood, wood fibre boards, concrete, metals and other materials0,1-1,01,25-1,80555-800
CHS-EPOXY® 200 V 55Water dispersion of a low molecular weight epoxy resinVarnish and binder of paints for wood, wood fibre boards, concrete, metals and other materials0,1-0,71,88-2,22455-525
CHS-HYDROSPOL® ED 161One-component water dispersion of medium molecular weight epoxyesther resinAir-drying protective or decorative enamel and primer for steel or alloy surfaces at room or low elevated temperatures0,05-0,2--

Epoxidové pryskyřice na bázi bpa/f

ProduktPopisAplikaceViskozita (Pa)Epoxidový indexEEWSnadno zmýd. chlorBarva (APHA)
CHS-EPOXY® 573BPA/F epoxy resinCoatings, penetrants, filled systems, casting applications and insulating materials8,0-10,55,3-5,6179-189max. 0,03max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 574BPA/F resin modified by difunctional reactive diluentComposites, civil and electrical engineering, high-solid coatings1,4-1,75,5-5,75174-182max. 0,1max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 575BPA/F resin modified by difunctional reactive diluentSolventless coatings, penetrants, filled systems, casting applications and insulating materials, high solid coatings0,7-0,95,6-5,9169-179max. 0,1max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 501BPA/F resin modified by monofunctional reactive diluentComposites, high solid, anticorrosion paints, civil engineering, casting0,6-0,85,0-5,3188-200max. 0,1max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 514BPA/F resin modified by monofunctional reactive diluentComposites, high solid, anticorrosion paints, civil engineering, casting0,8-1,15,1-5,4185-196max. 0,1max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 571BPA/F epoxy resinCoatings, penetrants, filled systems, casting applications and insulating materials6,0-8,05,4-5,7175-185max. 0,03max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 572BPA/F epoxy resinCoatings, penetrants, filled systems, casting applications and insulating materials4,5-7,05,5-5,8172-182max. 0,03max.100

Chlorové deriváty

ProduktPopisBarva (APHA)Koncentrace
EpichlorhydrinBezbarvá těkavá kapalina s charakteristickým dráždivým zápachem.< 10> 99,8


ProduktPopisBarva (APHA)Koncentrace
EpichlorhydrinBezbarvá těkavá kapalina s charakteristickým dráždivým zápachem.< 10> 99,8

Epoxidové pryskyřice základní

ProduktPopisAplikaceViskozita (Pa)Epoxidový indexEEWBarva (APHA)
CHS-EPOXY® 112Medium molecular weight "4-type" epoxy resinPowder coatings0,5-1,0 //20,95-1,11900-1050max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 121Medium molecular weight "3, 5-type" epoxy resinPowder coatings0,4-0,8 //21,11-1,25800-900max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 130Medium molecular weight "3-type" epoxy resinPowder coatings0,3-0,6 //21,25-1,43700-800max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 141Low molecular weight "2, 5-type" epoxy resinPowder coatings0,30-0,55 //21,43-1,54650-700max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 160Low molecular weight "2-type" epoxy resinPowder coatings0,25-0,45 //21,54-1,67600-650max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 171Low molecular weight "1, 5-type" epoxy resinPowder coatings, solventborne coatings0,20-0,35 //21,67-1,82550-600max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 211Low molecular weight "1-type" epoxy resinSolventborne coatings0,15-0,25 //21,82-2,22450-550max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 560Hexahydrophthalic acid diglycidyl esterOutdoor transformers, insulators, bushings etc.0,5-1,35,50-6,10
CHS-EPOXY® 530BPA typeModifications, adhesives, composites8,0-10,05,38-5,68176-186max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 590BPF typeModifications, adhesives, composites3,0-5,55,70-6,06165-175max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 301BPA type semisolid epoxy resinHot casting, solventborne coatings, prepregs-2,7-3,3300-370-
CHS-EPOXY® 411BPA type semisolid epoxy resinHot casting, solventborne coatings, prepregs0,5-0,8 //13,9-4,2238-256max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 030High molecular weight "9-type" epoxy resinCan and coil coatings etc.2,6-6 //20,25-0,452220-4000max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 030 HVHigh molecular weight "9-type" epoxy resinCan and coil coatings etc. with higher viscosity than CHS-EPOXY 0306-8 //20,26-0,442273-3846max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 050High molecular weight "7-type" epoxy resinCan and coil coatings etc.1,6-2,6 //20,50-0,651550-2000max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 070High molecular weight "6-type" epoxy resinCan and coil coatings etc.1,7-2,6 //20,61-0,741350-1640max.100
ENVIPOXY® 510BPA type, low tendency to crystallizeModifications, adhesives, composites12,5-16,05,18-5,46183-193max.200
ENVIPOXY® 520BPA typeModifications, adhesives, composites12,0-14,55,21-5,50182-192max.100
ENVIPOXY® 525BPA typeModifications, adhesives, composites10,0-12,05,29-5,59179-189max.100
ENVIPOXY® 530BPA typeModifications, adhesives, composites8,0-10,05,38-5,68176-186max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 510BPA type, low tendency to crystallizeModifications, adhesives, composites12,5-16,05,18-5,46183-193max.200
CHS-EPOXY® 520BPA typeModifications, adhesives, composites12,0-14,55,21-5,50182-192max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 525BPA typeModifications, adhesives, composites10,0-12,05,29-5,59179-189max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 525 LABPA type with low α-glycol contentModifications, adhesives, composites10,0-12,05,30-5,50182-189max.100

Nemodifikované tekuté pryskyřice

ProduktPopisAplikaceViskozita (Pa)Epoxidový indexEEWSnadno zmýd. chlorBarva (APHA)
CHS-EPOXY® 530BPA typeModifications, adhesives, composites8,0-10,05,38-5,68176-186max. 0,03max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 590BPF typeModifications, adhesives, composites3,0-5,55,70-6,06165-175max. 0,03max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 510BPA type, low tendency to crystallizeModifications, adhesives, composites12,5-16,05,18-5,46183-193max. 0,03max.200
CHS-EPOXY® 520BPA typeModifications, adhesives, composites12,0-14,55,21-5,50182-192max. 0,03max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 525BPA typeModifications, adhesives, composites10,0-12,05,29-5,59179-189max. 0,03max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 525 LABPA type with low α-glycol contentModifications, adhesives, composites10,0-12,05,30-5,50182-189max. 0,03max.100

Nemodifikované tekuté pryskyřice – envipoxy®

ProduktPopisAplikaceViskozita (Pa)Epoxidový indexEEWSnadno zmýd. chlorBarva (APHA)
ENVIPOXY® 510BPA type, low tendency to crystallizeModifications, adhesives, composites12,5-16,05,18-5,46183-193max. 0,03max.200
ENVIPOXY® 520BPA typeModifications, adhesives, composites12,0-14,55,21-5,50182-192max. 0,03max.100
ENVIPOXY® 525BPA typeModifications, adhesives, composites10,0-12,05,29-5,59179-189max. 0,03max.100
ENVIPOXY® 530BPA typeModifications, adhesives, composites8,0-10,05,38-5,68176-186max. 0,03max.100

Polotuhé pryskyřice

ProduktPopisAplikaceViskozita (Pa)Epoxidový indexEEWBarva (APHA)
CHS-EPOXY® 301BPA type semisolid epoxy resinHot casting, solventborne coatings, prepregs-2,7-3,3300-370-
CHS-EPOXY® 411BPA type semisolid epoxy resinHot casting, solventborne coatings, prepregs0,5-0,8 //13,9-4,2238-256max.100

Nemodifikované pevné pryskyřice

ProduktPopisAplikaceViskozita (Pa)Epoxidový indexEEWBarva (APHA)
CHS-EPOXY® 112Medium molecular weight "4-type" epoxy resinPowder coatings0,5-1,0 //20,95-1,11900-1050max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 121Medium molecular weight "3, 5-type" epoxy resinPowder coatings0,4-0,8 //21,11-1,25800-900max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 130Medium molecular weight "3-type" epoxy resinPowder coatings0,3-0,6 //21,25-1,43700-800max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 141Low molecular weight "2, 5-type" epoxy resinPowder coatings0,30-0,55 //21,43-1,54650-700max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 160Low molecular weight "2-type" epoxy resinPowder coatings0,25-0,45 //21,54-1,67600-650max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 171Low molecular weight "1, 5-type" epoxy resinPowder coatings, solventborne coatings0,20-0,35 //21,67-1,82550-600max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 211Low molecular weight "1-type" epoxy resinSolventborne coatings0,15-0,25 //21,82-2,22450-550max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 030High molecular weight "9-type" epoxy resinCan and coil coatings etc.2,6-6 //20,25-0,452220-4000max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 030 HVHigh molecular weight "9-type" epoxy resinCan and coil coatings etc. with higher viscosity than CHS-EPOXY 0306-8 //20,26-0,442273-3846max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 050High molecular weight "7-type" epoxy resinCan and coil coatings etc.1,6-2,6 //20,50-0,651550-2000max.100
CHS-EPOXY® 070High molecular weight "6-type" epoxy resinCan and coil coatings etc.1,7-2,6 //20,61-0,741350-1640max.100

Cykloalifatické epoxidové pryskyřice

ProduktPopisAplikaceViskozita (Pa)Epoxidový indexBarva (Gardner)
CHS-EPOXY® 560Hexahydrophthalic acid diglycidyl esterOutdoor transformers, insulators, bushings etc.0,5-1,35,50-6,10max.1

Tvrdidla & reaktivní rozpouštědla

ProduktPopisAplikaceViskozita (mPa)Epoxidový indexSnadno zmýd. chlorBarva (Gardner)
CHS-EPOXY® RR 8001, 4-butanediol diglycidyl etherExcellent reactivity at low temperatures and good solvent resistance, high mechanical strength, limited acid resistanceOct-257,60-8,10max. 0,2max.1*
TELALIT® 2433 VBG 50Polyamine adduct modified (substitution for TELALIT® 180)Waterborne systems1000-2000
TELALIT® 3404 X 70PolyamideAnticorrosive coatings, nonylphenol free700-2 000
TELALIT® 95Cycloaliphatic adduct modifiedSelf-levelling flooring170-400
CHS-EPOXY® RR 300Polypropyleneglycol diglycidyl etherFlexibilizer, low toxicity and vapour pressure, reduced reactivity, limited diluting power40-902,90-3,30max. 0,3max.2*
CHS-EPOXY® RR 330C12-C14 alkyl glycidyl etherLow toxicity and vapour pressure, good diluting power, reduced reactivity5-Oct2,94-3,70max. 0,1max.1*
CHS-EPOXY® RR 430C8-C10 alkyl glycidyl etherLow toxicity and vapour pressure, good diluting power, reduced reactivity1-Jun4,25-4,55max. 0,05max.1*
CHS-EPOXY® RR 690Trimethylol propane triglycidyl etherExcellent mechanical strength and reactivity, hot water and solvent resistance, limited diluting power130-2006,25-7,15max. 0,3max.1*
CHS-EPOXY® RR 7001, 6-hexanediol diglycidyl etherExcellent reactivity at low temperatures and good solvent resistance, high mechanical strength, limited acid resistance15-256,70-7,20max. 0,2max.1*
TELALIT® 0590PolyoxyetheramineComposites, long pot life5-Oct
TELALIT® 0600Cycloaliphatic, modifiedHigh performance composites, long pot life, highest Tg80-100
TELALIT® 0842Solvent free system, under water curingHardening in wet conditions, applicable in different weather conditions.1 100-1 900
TELALIT® 0846Mannich base without phenol (substitution for TELALIT® 60)Universal hardener for epoxy systems, applicable in lower temperatures, unsuitable for food, beverages and drinking water550-750
TELALIT® 0903Cycloaliphatic adduct modifiedSelf-levelling flooring, nonylphenol free, low yellowing200-500
TELALIT® 1040PolyoxyetheramineWaterborne coatings, high solid coatings, nonylphenol free.Oct-30
TELALIT® 1203 NFCycloaliphatic adduct, modifiedFor high solid coatings, nonyl phenol free50-400
TELALIT® 3509 IX 50Aliphatic adduct modified (substitution for TELALIT® 160)Lacquers, anticorrosive coatings200-700
TELALIT® 0240Aliphatic amine (substitution for HARDENER P 11)Standard, civil engineering, composites, adhesives5-Oct
TELALIT® 0420Cycloaliphatic amineComposites, higher TgOct-25
TELALIT® 0430Cycloaliphatic amineComposites, civil engineering, faster curing, higher toughnessMay-50
TELALIT® 0492Cycloaliphatic modifiedComposites, civil engineering15-30
TELALIT® 0500Cycloaliphatic amineComposites, acceleratedMay-50


ProduktPopisAplikaceViskozita (mPa)Aminové čísloHEW
TELALIT® 2433 VBG 50Polyamine adduct modified (substitution for TELALIT® 180)Waterborne systems1000-2000130-150243
TELALIT® 3404 X 70PolyamideAnticorrosive coatings, nonylphenol free700-2 000145-165340
TELALIT® 95Cycloaliphatic adduct modifiedSelf-levelling flooring170-400300-50095
TELALIT® 0590PolyoxyetheramineComposites, long pot life5-Oct440-49059
TELALIT® 0600Cycloaliphatic, modifiedHigh performance composites, long pot life, highest Tg80-100450-50062
TELALIT® 0842Solvent free system, under water curingHardening in wet conditions, applicable in different weather conditions.1 100-1 900min.29084
TELALIT® 0846Mannich base without phenol (substitution for TELALIT® 60)Universal hardener for epoxy systems, applicable in lower temperatures, unsuitable for food, beverages and drinking water550-750345-37584
TELALIT® 0903Cycloaliphatic adduct modifiedSelf-levelling flooring, nonylphenol free, low yellowing200-500320-35090
TELALIT® 1040PolyoxyetheramineWaterborne coatings, high solid coatings, nonylphenol free.Oct-30230-260104
TELALIT® 1203 NFCycloaliphatic adduct, modifiedFor high solid coatings, nonyl phenol free50-400250-300120
TELALIT® 3509 IX 50Aliphatic adduct modified (substitution for TELALIT® 160)Lacquers, anticorrosive coatings200-700110-135350
TELALIT® 0240Aliphatic amine (substitution for HARDENER P 11)Standard, civil engineering, composites, adhesives5-Oct-24
TELALIT® 0420Cycloaliphatic amineComposites, higher TgOct-25600-65042
TELALIT® 0430Cycloaliphatic amineComposites, civil engineering, faster curing, higher toughnessMay-501250-132043
TELALIT® 0492Cycloaliphatic modifiedComposites, civil engineering15-30550-60049
TELALIT® 0500Cycloaliphatic amineComposites, acceleratedMay-501100-120050

Reaktivní rozpouštědla

ProduktPopisAplikaceViskozita (mPa)Epoxidový indexSnadno zmýd. chlorBarva (Gardner)
CHS-EPOXY® RR 8001, 4-butanediol diglycidyl etherExcellent reactivity at low temperatures and good solvent resistance, high mechanical strength, limited acid resistanceOct-257,60-8,10max. 0,2max.1*
CHS-EPOXY® RR 300Polypropyleneglycol diglycidyl etherFlexibilizer, low toxicity and vapour pressure, reduced reactivity, limited diluting power40-902,90-3,30max. 0,3max.2*
CHS-EPOXY® RR 330C12-C14 alkyl glycidyl etherLow toxicity and vapour pressure, good diluting power, reduced reactivity5-Oct2,94-3,70max. 0,1max.1*
CHS-EPOXY® RR 430C8-C10 alkyl glycidyl etherLow toxicity and vapour pressure, good diluting power, reduced reactivity1-Jun4,25-4,55max. 0,05max.1*
CHS-EPOXY® RR 690Trimethylol propane triglycidyl etherExcellent mechanical strength and reactivity, hot water and solvent resistance, limited diluting power130-2006,25-7,15max. 0,3max.1*
CHS-EPOXY® RR 7001, 6-hexanediol diglycidyl etherExcellent reactivity at low temperatures and good solvent resistance, high mechanical strength, limited acid resistance15-256,70-7,20max. 0,2max.1*

Alkydové & kalafunové pryskyřice

ProduktPopisOlejová délkaTyp oleje nebo MKRozpouštědloObsah netěkavých látekČíslo kyselostiBarva (mg I2/100 cm3)Bod měknutí
ABIESTER® 90Ester based rosin resin, coatings, hot melt adhesives & printing inks.---100max.20max.20 //1085-95
ABIFEN® 125 DNovolac resin modified with rosin, coatings, adhesives & tyres.---100max.25max.20 //10120-130
ABIMAL® 125Ester based rosin resin, coatings, printing inks, fast-drying, gloss, light durability & weather resistance.---100max.40max.20 //10120-130
CHS-ALKYD® AL 6400Production of typographic inks.64Linseed-100Apr-15-
CHS-ALKYD® AL 7310Alkyd resin for offset inks (heatset, sheet offset & metal inks).75Vegetable drying oil-1004-Octmax.25
CHS-ALKYD® AL 8000Solvent free alkyd resin, low yellowing.80Linoleic rich FA-97,0-100max.10max.30
CHS-ALKYD® SU 830 N 85High solid urethanised alkyd, low VOC and excelent drying, for production of woodstains coating and paints for wood treatment.83Vegetable drying oilN83,5-86,5max.10max.8
CHS-ALKYD® TRI 841Solvent free alkyd, fast-drying & outdoor durability, low yellowing.84TOFA, DCO-97,0-100max.10max.16
CHS-ALKYD® S 830Solvent free good drying alkyd, super flexible, improved UV stability, interior/exterior use and wood coatings.83Vegetable drying oil-97,0-100max.10max.7
CHS-ALKYD® TI 870Solvent free alkyd, low yellowing, high bio content, wood coating.87TOFA-97,0-100max.8max.15
CHS-HYDROSPOL® D 870Solvent free fast-drying waterborne alkyd, high bio content, improved UV stability, for wood applications.87TOFAV49,0-53,0max.8milky white
CHS-ALKYD® LM 920Solvent free super-fast drying alkyd, high bio content, superflexible, excellent UV resistance, high hydrophobicity, optimal for exterior applications.92Linoleic rich FA-97,0-100max.8max.10
CHS-HYDROSPOL D 920Solvent free fast-drying waterborne alkyd, high bio content, excellent UV stability, for wood applications.92Linoleic rich FAV0,01 - 0,1max. 8milky white
CHS-ALKYD® SU 632 NN 55Fast drying, outstanding hardness and mar resistance, excellent mechanical properties and weather-resistance, wood & metal, aromatics content less than 1%63Vegetable drying oilNN55,0-57,0max.2max. 10
CHS-ALKYD® S 651 N 70Air-drying enamels, lacquers and wood stains for outdoor application.65Vegetable drying oilN68,0-72,0max. 7max. 8
CHS-ALKYD® S 652 NN 70Outdoor durability, aromatics content less than 1%, flash point over 61°C.65Vegetable drying oilNN68,0-72,0max.7max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 653 W 70Air-drying high molecular weight alkyd with outdoor resistance in white spirit.65Vegetable drying oilW69,0-71,0max.7max.8
CHS-ALKYD® SU 671 W 60Fast-drying urethanised alkyd for coatings with high hardness.67Vegetable drying oilW58,0-62,0max.1max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 670 NN 75Soya bean oil fatty acids based alkyd, flash point over 61°C, air drying top-coats for exterior, wood and metal surfaces67Vegetable drying oilNN74,0-76,0max.7max.10
CHS-ALKYD® SUR 735 NN 80High solid alkyd resin, fast-drying, good hardness, gloss retention and weather-resistance, wood & metal73Vegetable drying oilNN78,5-81,5max.4max.10
CHS-ALKYD® ST 790 NN 75Medium and long oil alkyd coatings with low VOC especially for wood application79Vegetable drying oilNN74,0-76,0max.25slight opacity
CHS-ALKYD® M 552 WX 60Lift resistant alkyd modified by novolac rosin resin, improved adhesion and chemical resistance, anticorrosion primers.55LinseedWX58,5-61,5max.7max.10
CHS-ALKYD® ST 551 NN 50High thixotropy alkyd, aromatics content less than 1%, flash point over 61°C, polyamide type.55Vegetable drying oilNN48,5-51,5max.8slight opacity
CHS-ALKYD® S 621 W 60Outdoor durability, wood coatings.62Vegetable drying oilW58,5-61,5max.7max.7
CHS-ALKYD® SU 621 N 50Fast-drying urethanised alkyd, aromatics content less than 1%.62Vegetable drying oilN48,5-51,5max.7max.7
CHS-ALKYD® S 622 N 60Outdoor durability, universal, aromatics content less than 1%.62Vegetable drying oilN58,5-61,5max.7max.7
CHS-ALKYD® S 623 NN 50Alkyd resin for lacquers and wood stains, interior/exterior applications.62Vegetable drying oilNN48,5-51,5max.5max.10
CHS-ALKYD® S 623 NN 60Universal alkyd resin, aromatic content less than 1%.62Vegetable drying oilNN60,0-62,0max.7max.10
CHS-ALKYD® SU 632 N 60Fast drying, outstanding hardness and mar resistance, excellent mechanical properties and weather-resistance, wood & metal63Vegetable drying oilN57,0-59,0max.2max.10
CHS-ALKYD® S 471 WX 55Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings, for fast overcoating primers.47Vegetable drying oilWX53,5-56,5max.5max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 471 X 60Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings.47Vegetable drying oilX58,0-62,0max.6max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 472 X 60Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings, faster drying then CHS-ALKYD S 471.47Vegetable drying oilX58,0-62,0max.6max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 475 X 70Anticorrosion primers with low VOC content.47Vegetable drying oilX68-72max. 10max. 12
CHS-ALKYD® S 475 NN 65Solventborne non-aromatic primers, anticorrosive coatings and one-layer coatings.47Vegetable drying oilNN64-66max. 10max. 15
CHS-ALKYD® S 491 W 55Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings.49Vegetable drying oilW54,0-56,0max.6max.8
CHS-ALKYD® TU 497 S 57Fast drying & corrosion resistant, weathering resistance and outstanding adhesion, primers & single-layer coatings for iron and light metals.49TOFAS55,5-58,5max.4max.8
CHS-ALKYD® T 501 WX 55Maleinised fast-drying alkyd.50TOFAWX53,5-56,5max.8max.7
CHS-ALKYD® SU 632 N 60Fast drying, outstanding hardness and mar resistance, excellent mechanical properties and weather-resistance, wood & metal63Vegetable drying oilN57,0-59,0max.2max.10
CHS-ALKYD® SU 632 NN 55Fast drying, outstanding hardness and mar resistance, excellent mechanical properties and weather-resistance, wood & metal, aromatics content less than 1%63Vegetable drying oilNN55,0-57,0max.2max. 10
CHS-ALKYD® SU 671 W 60Fast-drying urethanised alkyd for coatings with high hardness.67Vegetable drying oilW58,0-62,0max.1max.8
CHS-ALKYD® AL 2460Binder for foundry sand moulds.72LinseedNN69,0-71,032-40-
CHS-ALKYD® F 261 X 60Fast-drying universal alkyd, excellent corrosion protection and mechanical properties, high hardness, low yellowing.26Vegetable drying oilX59,0-61,0max.8max.5
CHS-ALKYD® AKS 261 X 60Acrylated and styrenated alkyd, super fast-drying, superior corrosion resistance, low yellowing, improved flexibility.26Vegetable drying oilX58,0-62,0max.10max.7
CHS-ALKYD® S 401 X 55Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings.40Vegetable drying oilX53,5-56,5max.7max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 401 X 60Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings.40Vegetable drying oilX58,5-61,5max.7max.7
CHS-ALKYD® S 471 X 60Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings.47Vegetable drying oilX58,0-62,0max.6max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 472 X 60Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings, faster drying than CHS-ALKYD S 471.47Vegetable drying oilX58,0-62,0max.6max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 475 X 70Anticorrosion primers with low VOC content.47Vegetable drying oilX68-72max. 10max. 12
CHS-ALKYD® S 475 NN 65Solventborne non-aromatic primers, anticorrosive coatings and one-layer coatings.47Vegetable drying oilNN64-66max. 10max. 15
CHS-ALKYD® S 491 W 55Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings.49Vegetable drying oilW54,0-56,0max.6max.8
CHS-ALKYD® TU 497 S 57Fast drying & corrosion resistant, weathering resistance and outstanding adhesion, primers & single-layer coatings for iron and light metals.49TOFAS55,5-58,5max.4max.8
CHS-ALKYD® M 552 WX 60Lift resistant alkyd modified by novolac rosin resin, improved adhesion and chemical resistance, anticorrosion primers.55LinseedWX58,5-61,5max.7max.10
CHS-ALKYD® SU 621 N 50Fast-drying urethanised alkyd, aromatics content less than 1%.62Vegetable drying oilN48,5-51,5max.7max.7
CHS-ALKYD® AL 3964Water reducible alkyd, primers, topcoats and one-layer coatings (air dry, force dry, baking with melamine resins).28Linoleic rich FA, DCOBuGB69,0-71,038-42max.8
CHS-ALKYD® AL 3220Stoving alkyd resin, wood and metal low yellowing coatings.32CoconutM74,0-76,0max.10max.10
CHS-ALKYD® C 351 E 75Stoving alkyd resin, for baking or nitrocelulose coatings.39Vegetable drying oilE73,5-76,5max.7max.10
CHS-ALKYD® TU 341 X 60High performance anticorrosive coatings.34TOFA, DFAX58,0-62,0max.7max.8
CHS-ALKYD® AL 3701Lift resistant primer (air dry, force dry, baking), anticorrosive and rust resistant coatings, topcoats and one-layer application, as putties and fillers. High hardness.37TOFAX59,0-61,013-18max.25
CHS-ALKYD® S 401 X 55Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings.40Vegetable drying oilX53,5-56,5max.7max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 401 X 60Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings.40Vegetable drying oilX58,5-61,5max.7max.7
CHS-ALKYD® S 471 WX 55Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings, for fast overcoating primers.47Vegetable drying oilWX53,5-56,5max.5max.8
CHS-ALKYD® F 261 X 60Fast-drying universal alkyd, excellent corrosion protection and mechanical properties, high hardness, low yellowing.26Vegetable drying oilX59,0-61,0max.8max.5
CHS-ALKYD® AKS 261 X 60Acrylated alkyd, super fast-drying, superior corrosion resistance, low yellowing, improved flexibility.26Vegetable drying oilX58,0-62,0max.10max.7

Pojiva pro průmyslové nátěry

ProduktPopisOlejová délkaTyp oleje nebo MKRozpouštědloObsah netěkavých látekČíslo kyselostiViskozita (Pa.s, 23°C)Barva (mg I2/100 cm3)
CHS-ALKYD® SU 632 N 60Fast drying, outstanding hardness and mar resistance, excellent mechanical properties and weather-resistance, wood & metal63Vegetable drying oilN57,0-59,0max.20,9-1,5max.10
CHS-ALKYD® SU 632 NN 55Fast drying, outstanding hardness and mar resistance, excellent mechanical properties and weather-resistance, wood & metal, aromatics content less than 1%63Vegetable drying oilNN55,0-57,0max.20,8-1,6max. 10
CHS-ALKYD® SU 671 W 60Fast-drying urethanised alkyd for coatings with high hardness.67Vegetable drying oilW58,0-62,0max.12,0-4,0max.8
CHS-ALKYD® AL 2460Binder for foundry sand moulds.72LinseedNN69,0-71,032-400,2-0,4-
CHS-ALKYD® S 471 X 60Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings.47Vegetable drying oilX58,0-62,0max.60,8-1,7max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 472 X 60Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings, faster drying than CHS-ALKYD S 471.47Vegetable drying oilX58,0-62,0max.61,7-2,1max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 475 X 70Anticorrosion primers with low VOC content.47Vegetable drying oilX68-72max. 102,0-5,5max. 12
CHS-ALKYD® S 475 NN 65Solventborne non-aromatic primers, anticorrosive coatings and one-layer coatings.47Vegetable drying oilNN64-66max. 104,0-9,0max. 15
CHS-ALKYD® S 491 W 55Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings.49Vegetable drying oilW54,0-56,0max.62,5-5,5max.8
CHS-ALKYD® TU 497 S 57Fast drying & corrosion resistant, weathering resistance and outstanding adhesion, primers & single-layer coatings for iron and light metals.49TOFAS55,5-58,5max.41,5-4,0max.8
CHS-ALKYD® M 552 WX 60Lift resistant alkyd modified by novolac rosin resin, improved adhesion and chemical resistance, anticorrosion primers.55LinseedWX58,5-61,5max.70,45-0,95max.10
CHS-ALKYD® SU 621 N 50Fast-drying urethanised alkyd, aromatics content less than 1%.62Vegetable drying oilN48,5-51,5max.70,5-2,0max.7
CHS-ALKYD® AL 3964Water reducible alkyd, primers, topcoats and one-layer coatings (air dry, force dry, baking with melamine resins).28Linoleic rich FA, DCOBuGB69,0-71,038-4213,0-18,0 //8max.8
CHS-ALKYD® AL 3220Stoving alkyd resin, wood and metal low yellowing coatings.32CoconutM74,0-76,0max.100,9-1,5 //9max.10
CHS-ALKYD® C 351 E 75Stoving alkyd resin, for baking or nitrocelulose coatings.39Vegetable drying oilE73,5-76,5max.73,5-4,5max.10
CHS-ALKYD® TU 341 X 60High performance anticorrosive coatings.34TOFA, DFAX58,0-62,0max.72,0-5,0max.8
CHS-ALKYD® AL 3701Lift resistant primer (air dry, force dry, baking), anticorrosive and rust resistant coatings, topcoats and one-layer application, as putties and fillers. High hardness.37TOFAX59,0-61,013-181,9-2,5max.25
CHS-ALKYD® S 401 X 55Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings.40Vegetable drying oilX53,5-56,5max.70,8-1,2max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 401 X 60Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings.40Vegetable drying oilX58,5-61,5max.72,0-4,0max.7
CHS-ALKYD® S 471 WX 55Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings, for fast overcoating primers.47Vegetable drying oilWX53,5-56,5max.52,9-5,3max.8
CHS-ALKYD® F 261 X 60Fast-drying universal alkyd, excellent corrosion protection and mechanical properties, high hardness, low yellowing.26Vegetable drying oilX59,0-61,0max.82,0-3,0max.5
CHS-ALKYD® AKS 261 X 60Acrylated alkyd, super fast-drying, superior corrosion resistance, low yellowing, improved flexibility.26Vegetable drying oilX58,0-62,0max.101,0-3,0max.7

Pojiva pro dekorativní nátěry

ProduktPopisOlejová délkaTyp oleje nebo MKRozpouštědloObsah netěkavých látekČíslo kyselostiViskozita (Pa.s, 23°C)Barva (mg I2/100 cm3)
CHS-ALKYD® AL 8000Solvent free alkyd resin, low yellowing.80Linoleic rich FA-97,0-100max.101,5-3,0 //9max.30
CHS-ALKYD® SU 830 N 85High solid urethanised alkyd, low VOC and excelent drying, for production of woodstains coating and paints for wood treatment.83Vegetable drying oilN83,5-86,5max.102,5-3,5max.8
CHS-ALKYD® TRI 841Solvent free alkyd, fast-drying & outdoor durability, low yellowing.84TOFA, DCO-97,0-100max.102,5-3,5max.16
CHS-ALKYD® S 830Solvent free good drying alkyd, super flexible, improved UV stability, interior/exterior use and wood coatings.83Vegetable drying oil-97,0-100max.103,0-4,0max.7
CHS-ALKYD® TI 870Solvent free alkyd, low yellowing, high bio content, wood coating.87TOFA-97,0-100max.82,2-3,2max.15
CHS-HYDROSPOL® D 870Solvent free fast-drying waterborne alkyd, high bio content, improved UV stability, for wood applications.87TOFAV49,0-53,0max.80,01-0,1milky white
CHS-ALKYD® LM 920Solvent free super-fast drying alkyd, high bio content, superflexible, excellent UV resistance, high hydrophobicity, optimal for exterior applications.92Linoleic rich FA-97,0-100max.82,2-3,2max.10
CHS-HYDROSPOL D 920Solvent free fast-drying waterborne alkyd, high bio content, excellent UV stability, for wood applications.92Linoleic rich FAV0,01 - 0,1max. 849 - 53milky white
CHS-ALKYD® SU 632 NN 55Fast drying, outstanding hardness and mar resistance, excellent mechanical properties and weather-resistance, wood & metal, aromatics content less than 1%63Vegetable drying oilNN55,0-57,0max.20,8-1,6max. 10
CHS-ALKYD® S 651 N 70Air-drying enamels, lacquers and wood stains for outdoor application.65Vegetable drying oilN68,0-72,0max. 75,5-9,5max. 8
CHS-ALKYD® S 652 NN 70Outdoor durability, aromatics content less than 1%, flash point over 61°C.65Vegetable drying oilNN68,0-72,0max.79,0-11,0max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 653 W 70Air-drying high molecular weight alkyd with outdoor resistance in white spirit.65Vegetable drying oilW69,0-71,0max.712,0-14,0max.8
CHS-ALKYD® SU 671 W 60Fast-drying urethanised alkyd for coatings with high hardness.67Vegetable drying oilW58,0-62,0max.12,0-4,0max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 670 NN 75Soya bean oil fatty acids based alkyd, flash point over 61°C, air drying top-coats for exterior, wood and metal surfaces67Vegetable drying oilNN74,0-76,0max.72,5-3,5max.10
CHS-ALKYD® SUR 735 NN 80High solid alkyd resin, fast-drying, good hardness, gloss retention and weather-resistance, wood & metal73Vegetable drying oilNN78,5-81,5max.46,5-8,5max.10
CHS-ALKYD® ST 790 NN 75Medium and long oil alkyd coatings with low VOC especially for wood application79Vegetable drying oilNN74,0-76,0max.25SOFT THIXOTROPIC GELslight opacity
CHS-ALKYD® M 552 WX 60Lift resistant alkyd modified by novolac rosin resin, improved adhesion and chemical resistance, anticorrosion primers.55LinseedWX58,5-61,5max.70,45-0,95max.10
CHS-ALKYD® ST 551 NN 50High thixotropy alkyd, aromatics content less than 1%, flash point over 61°C, polyamide type.55Vegetable drying oilNN48,5-51,5max.8THIXOTROPICslight opacity
CHS-ALKYD® S 621 W 60Outdoor durability, wood coatings.62Vegetable drying oilW58,5-61,5max.71,1-2,3max.7
CHS-ALKYD® SU 621 N 50Fast-drying urethanised alkyd, aromatics content less than 1%.62Vegetable drying oilN48,5-51,5max.70,5-2,0max.7
CHS-ALKYD® S 622 N 60Outdoor durability, universal, aromatics content less than 1%.62Vegetable drying oilN58,5-61,5max.73,7-4,7max.7
CHS-ALKYD® S 623 NN 50Alkyd resin for lacquers and wood stains, interior/exterior applications.62Vegetable drying oilNN48,5-51,5max.50,31-0,56max.10
CHS-ALKYD® S 623 NN 60Universal alkyd resin, aromatic content less than 1%.62Vegetable drying oilNN60,0-62,0max.72,5-6,5max.10
CHS-ALKYD® SU 632 N 60Fast drying, outstanding hardness and mar resistance, excellent mechanical properties and weather-resistance, wood & metal63Vegetable drying oilN57,0-59,0max.20,9-1,5max.10
CHS-ALKYD® S 471 WX 55Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings, for fast overcoating primers.47Vegetable drying oilWX53,5-56,5max.52,9-5,3max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 471 X 60Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings.47Vegetable drying oilX58,0-62,0max.60,8-1,7max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 472 X 60Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings, faster drying then CHS-ALKYD S 471.47Vegetable drying oilX58,0-62,0max.61,7-2,1max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 475 X 70Anticorrosion primers with low VOC content.47Vegetable drying oilX68-72max. 102,0-5,5max. 12
CHS-ALKYD® S 475 NN 65Solventborne non-aromatic primers, anticorrosive coatings and one-layer coatings.47Vegetable drying oilNN64-66max. 104,0-9,0max. 15
CHS-ALKYD® S 491 W 55Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings.49Vegetable drying oilW54,0-56,0max.62,5-5,5max.8
CHS-ALKYD® TU 497 S 57Fast drying & corrosion resistant, weathering resistance and outstanding adhesion, primers & single-layer coatings for iron and light metals.49TOFAS55,5-58,5max.41,5-4,0max.8
CHS-ALKYD® T 501 WX 55Maleinised fast-drying alkyd.50TOFAWX53,5-56,5max.81,2-2,0max.7
CHS-ALKYD® F 261 X 60Fast-drying universal alkyd, excellent corrosion protection and mechanical properties, high hardness, low yellowing.26Vegetable drying oilX59,0-61,0max.82,0-3,0max.5
CHS-ALKYD® AKS 261 X 60Acrylated and styrenated alkyd, super fast-drying, superior corrosion resistance, low yellowing, improved flexibility.26Vegetable drying oilX58,0-62,0max.101,0-3,0max.7
CHS-ALKYD® S 401 X 55Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings.40Vegetable drying oilX53,5-56,5max.70,8-1,2max.8
CHS-ALKYD® S 401 X 60Economic primers and anticorrosive coatings.40Vegetable drying oilX58,5-61,5max.72,0-4,0max.7

Pojiva pro adheziva

ProduktPopisOlejová délkaTyp oleje nebo MKRozpouštědloObsah netěkavých látekČíslo kyselostiBarva (mg I2/100 cm3)Bod měknutí
ABIESTER® 90Ester based rosin resin, coatings, hot melt adhesives & printing inks.---100max.20max.20 //1085-95
ABIFEN® 125 DNovolac resin modified with rosin, coatings, adhesives & tyres.---100max.25max.20 //10120-130
ABIMAL® 125Ester based rosin resin, coatings, printing inks, fast-drying, gloss, light durability & weather resistance.---100max.40max.20 //10120-130

Pojiva pro tiskové barvy

ProduktPopisOlejová délkaTyp oleje nebo MKRozpouštědloObsah netěkavých látekČíslo kyselostiViskozita (Pa.s, 23°C)Barva (mg I2/100 cm3)
CHS-ALKYD® AL 6400Production of typographic inks.64Linseed-100Apr-1562-82-
CHS-ALKYD® AL 7310Alkyd resin for offset inks (heatset, sheet offset & metal inks).75Vegetable drying oil-1004-Oct38-48max.25

Systémy pro nátěrové hmoty

ProduktPopisAplikaceKomponentyMísící poměr
EPOSTYL® 521-01Solvent–free epoxy system. Different colours upon request (based on RAL).Coloured coating system with higher UV resistanceA/B100/30
EPOSTYL® 200 V MATWaterborne matt coatingMatt top coat for flooring, parquets and other surfacesA/B100/21 //6
EPOSTYL® 200 VWaterborne epoxy dispersionGlossy topcoat for interior applications on wood, concrete and metalA/B100/26 //6
EPOSTYL® 200 V MATWaterborne matt coatingMatt topcoat for flooring, parquets and other surfacesA/B100/21 //6
EPOSTYL® 200 VWaterborne epoxy dispersionPrimer/penetrating sealerA/B100/26 //6
CHS-EPOSTYL® 521-2433Solvent–free water-based epoxy systemPrimer/penetrating sealerA/B100/140 //6
CHS-EPODUR® 474 PRIMERLow viscosity epoxy system, penetration, adhesion and water control insulationBonding agent, primer for bridges, roads, pavements, flooringA/B100/23
CHS-EPODUR® 474 PRIMER FASTLow viscosity epoxy system, for use at lower temperatureBonding agent, primerA/B100/40
SADURIT® Z 1Solvent based epoxy system. Different colours upon request (based on RAL).Coloured coating systems, high mechanical & chemical resistance, interior/exteriorA/B100/25
EPOSTYL® 215 VWaterborne epoxy system. Different colours upon request (based on RAL).Matt topcoat system for concrete, useable in poorly ventilated rooms, vapour permeableA/B100/14 //6

Transparentní laky

ProduktPopisAplikaceKomponentyMísící poměr
EPOSTYL® 200 VWaterborne epoxy dispersionGlossy topcoat for interior applications on wood, concrete and metalA/B100/26 //6
EPOSTYL® 200 V MATWaterborne matt coatingMatt topcoat for flooring, parquets and other surfacesA/B100/21 //6

Impregnace & základní nátěry

ProduktPopisAplikaceKomponentyMísící poměr
EPOSTYL® 200 VWaterborne epoxy dispersionPrimer/penetrating sealerA/B100/26 //6
CHS-EPOSTYL® 521-2433Solvent–free water-based epoxy systemPrimer/penetrating sealerA/B100/140 //6
CHS-EPODUR® 474 PRIMERLow viscosity epoxy system, penetration, adhesion and water control insulationBonding agent, primer for bridges, roads, pavements, flooringA/B100/23
CHS-EPODUR® 474 PRIMER FASTLow viscosity epoxy system, for use at lower temperatureBonding agent, primerA/B100/40

Vrchní nátěry průmyslových podlah

ProduktPopisAplikaceKomponentyMísící poměr
EPOSTYL® 521-01Solvent–free epoxy system. Different colours upon request (based on RAL).Coloured coating system with higher UV resistanceA/B100/30
EPOSTYL® 200 V MATWaterborne matt coatingMatt top coat for flooring, parquets and other surfacesA/B100/21 //6
SADURIT® Z 1Solvent based epoxy system. Different colours upon request (based on RAL).Coloured coating systems, high mechanical & chemical resistance, interior/exteriorA/B100/25
EPOSTYL® 215 VWaterborne epoxy system. Different colours upon request (based on RAL).Matt topcoat system for concrete, useable in poorly ventilated rooms, vapour permeableA/B100/14 //6

Speciální aditiva

ProduktPopisBarva (Gardner)Hustota při 20°CRefrakční index při 20°C
DECIDOL™ 105 PGČirá, bezbarvá kapalina, která může mít nažloutlý odstín. Částečně rozpustná ve vodě. Obsahuje 50 % TMDD a 50 % PG (propylenglykol).4955-9751,446-1,449
DECIDOL™Bílá pevná látka s mentolovým zápachem.
DECIDOL™ 105 MEGČirá, bezbarvá kapalina, která může mít nažloutlý odstín. Částečně rozpustná ve vodě. Obsahuje 50 % TMDD a 50 % MEG (monoetylenglykol).4980-10101,447-1,450
DECIDOL™ 107 MEGČirá, bezbarvá kapalina, která může mít nažloutlý odstín. Částečně rozpustná ve vodě. Obsahuje 75 % TMDD a 25 % MEG (monoetylenglykol).4945-9651,454-1,457


ProduktPopisBarva (APHA)Koncentrace TMDDKoncentrace MIBKKoncentrace HIOL
DECIDOL™Bílá pevná látka s mentolovým zápachem.150min 98max 0,25max 0,45

Decidol roztoky

ProduktPopisBarva (Gardner)Hustota při 20°CRefrakční index při 20°C
DECIDOL™ 105 PGČirá, bezbarvá kapalina, která může mít nažloutlý odstín. Částečně rozpustná ve vodě. Obsahuje 50 % TMDD a 50 % PG (propylenglykol).4955-9751,446-1,449
DECIDOL™ 105 MEGČirá, bezbarvá kapalina, která může mít nažloutlý odstín. Částečně rozpustná ve vodě. Obsahuje 50 % TMDD a 50 % MEG (monoetylenglykol).4980-10101,447-1,450
DECIDOL™ 107 MEGČirá, bezbarvá kapalina, která může mít nažloutlý odstín. Částečně rozpustná ve vodě. Obsahuje 75 % TMDD a 25 % MEG (monoetylenglykol).4945-9651,454-1,457

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