80 %

of our products
is expported

150 experts

in research
and development


anniversary of the
company's founding


Epoxy resin
from renewable sources


is a Czech chemical company of European importance. Our history dates back to 1856 and we are one of the leading manufacturers of synthetic resins in Europe. Our basic product range consists of epoxy and alkyd resins, hydroxides and chlorine derivatives, hardeners and solvents, etc. Our products are used in automotive, construction, energy, electronics, pharmaceuticals and many other industries.

AAA top trust rating

This year, too, we received the highest level of company credibility rating (AAA) from Dun & Bradstreet, which has been engaged in financial and business health evaluations for more than 100 years.

More than 85 000 companies globally have been rated by the EcoVadis assessment that covers 21 sustainability criteria across four core topics: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. More


In 2023, SPOLCHEMIE has been awarded a Gold Medal from EcoVadis, one of the the worlds’ most trusted providers of business sustainability ratings. We scored 76, which places us in the top 2 percent of the companies in the sector globally. SPOLCHEMIE scored at the 98th percentile and only 2% of the companies assessed in the sector scored higher.

More than 85 000 companies globally have been rated by the EcoVadis assessment that covers 21 sustainability criteria across four core topics: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. More

Responsible business in chemistry

As one of the first Czech chemical companies, we committed ourselves to fulfilling the principles of the global voluntary initiative Responsible Care – Responsible Business in Chemistry in 1994.